Reading List
·2 mins
Software Development resources that I recommend reading. These helped me to grow as a developer and I share them with those I mentor.
For resources on the Software Development process see Reading List: Process
For resources on Leadership, Personal Development, and Business see Reading List: Leadership
Books #
- Microservices Patterns
- Release It!
- REST in Practice
- Secure by Design
- Working Effectively with Legacy Code
Blog Posts #
- Awesome Falsehood: A curated list of falsehoods programmers believe in
- Cargo Cult Software Engineering
- The Fallacy Of ReUse
- Microservices: a definition of this new architectural termBuilt around business capabilities and independently deployable
- On Being A Senior Engineer
- Programmer Competency Matrix
- Testing Strategies in a Microservice Architecture
- Understanding write-through, write-around and write-back caching (with Python)
- Principles
- Java
Design #
- Think you understand the Single Responsibility Principle?
- Cursor Pagination
- Why you should follow the robustness principle in your APIs
- Best practices for REST API design
- Design a DDD-oriented microservice